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The REXGBE Mentor Program connects highly experienced leaders from the Corporate world and with wide network in the various Fields of Business Activities with students who have big ambitions and are willing and open to learn and gain from the mentors so as to achieve their Big Dreams. 

A Mentor becomes a friend, philosopher and guide to the student. A mentor guides a less experienced student by building trust and developing positive behaviors and prepares the student to take the next step of getting formal education and training.

Mentors would treat this opportunity to help a next-generation professional as an honor and a way to give back to the society. Through appropriate techniques, mentors would try to find the strengths and weaknesses of students and identify crucial areas where the student would require extra coaching and attention.

Mentors being forward-thinking professionals would focus on student career development and would ultimately help them achieve their dreams. Get in Touch with us if you wish to mentor someone or require mentoring for yourself or your business.
