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Tuition Fees and Scholarship:

 Tuition fees are not set or regulated by the government, yet most schools, including the most prestigious, charge roughly the same amount. You should budget between $5,800 and $6,500 per semester. Medicine, for example, is on the higher end of this range because it requires more equipment and contact time. Undergraduate and postgraduate tuition prices are generally comparable, while postgraduate degrees often cost a little more than undergraduate degrees. Tuition costs for PhD applicants are also required, albeit they are normally cheaper than for other levels of study. Per semester, fees range from US$2,320 to US$3,650. South Korea offers a huge number of scholarships accessible to international students as its schools become increasingly popular. The South Korean government provides the most generous ones.

 The Global Korea Scholarship is the most coveted of these. This scholarship will pay for your flights, rent, tuition, and up to 70% of your basic living expenses, as well as an intensive Korean language programme. By the completion of your degree, you should be fluent in Korean. During your degree programme, the Global Korea Scholarship even encourages you to conduct academic and scientific research.
